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What to Expect:

1. I take a 50% deposit upon booking, no payment = no reserved spot. I take the last 50% before delivering finals. Deposits are non-refundable though are transferable to later appointments.

2. General prices are listed on the website but please note they may not be true to your specific project, consultations are completely free and you will receive an exact quote during it. This quote will only be true to services requested during the consultation, any additional services requested after the meeting will be an extra charge and may incur a squeeze fee.

3. My turn around time for photos is 1 week and videos, 2 weeks, all other projects will have varied turn arounds. I have a rush fee of $30 for images and $50 for videos (these are general and based on the average project). There may not be an option to rush if my workload does not allow for it, please bring it up in the consultation if you think you may need your items in quicker than usual.

4. Please try to make your appointment at least 48 hours in advance, any notice shorter than this may incur a squeeze fee (min $25).

5. By booking with me you give consent to have your photos posted on social media and displayed on my website and marketing materials. I have no problem tagging or crediting my clients if the information needed to do so is provided in a timely manner. I may submit my favorite photos to publications or competitions, you will be notified if your photo is accepted. If you do not agree to this please explicitly state this and it may incur an additional fee for loss of marketing potential.

6. I obtain the right to deny service when I feel the need to, denied service may not include a refund of deposit. Reasons for denial include disrespectful behavior, signs of intoxication, providing me with inaccurate or deceptive details of the project, excessive mistrust of my abilities or vision, and other reasons. Denial of service is extraordinarily rare but please note I match energy so staying respectful will always be the best choice.

7. Excessive edit requests may incur an additional fee.

8. Please understand I value creativity in my work and value relative freedom in my creation/editing process. I will try to follow your vision as closely as I can and provide a good mix of traditional and unconventional photos. If you would prefer 0 creative liberties and have an extremely strict vision I will most likely not be the best fit for your project. If you insist that you want me an inconvenience fee of around $30 may be applied for overly rigid projects.

9. In the case I cancel the appointment (which will happen next to never) you will receive a refund of your deposit and a discount on your next booking. If you would prefer to re-schedule I will keep your deposit but discount your final payment.  

10. There will be a minimum of 25 photos delivered with each project, I tend to edit more (as many as I can) though this is not guaranteed. I usually select the photos that will be kept and edited so I try to provide a wide selection of photos for you to pic from post -editing. If you would like to be the one to select the pictures that will be edited you will have to pay the final payment before I send over the un-edited images for you to pick from.

11. I retain the copyright for all the photos I take unless agreed otherwise. Using my photos for commercial purposes (such as advertisement) or submitting my photos to publications and such without explicit written permission (and payment) will incur legal action.

12. If you would like to Barter please schedule a consultation to determine what will be exchanged and how to secure an appointment.
